Masks Can’t Filter Love


“Masks…can’t…,” that phrase came out of our daughter’s mouth this Spring. 

What’s the Story?

Our family is distributing stickers to raise money for an organization in Cambridge, MA called Food for Free.  

Hurry, 24 Stickers Left!

For a number of years Joya has been very interested in working to make healthy food available for people who need it. In Kindergarten her teacher invited Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui to visit and she inspired the children to design ideas focused on how to make Cambridge a more equitable and enjoyable place.  Joya’s idea was to create a system in which the City of Cambridge paid restaurants to serve food to people who need it, especially people who are homeless. Within a few months we learned that the City had the same idea. 

We have been following the activities of Food for Free and have been so impressed with all that they do. They have found innovative ways to feed people during the pandemic.


Make a Donation


If you decide to donate, please be sure to fill out our form. That way, we can see the impact of Joya’s campaign.